Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
No, it ISN'T enough....
I had been thinking about quitting for a long time. I was living in a second floor apartment in Rockaway, with Jack. I remember being winded at the top of the stairs, everytime. And I was in my 20's and basically fit. And Jack and I had decided that we were going to move on; find our own places, so money was on my mind as well.
I didn't know it at the time, but I used some tried and true methods to assist me with quitting. I picked a date to quit; I thought about it every day; I told friends that I was going to quit. I told my employer I was going to quit. And I made a bet with Cindy Kirkland...she said I couldn't do it.
I tell you this, because I've been mulling something for quite some time, and I've made those first steps towards it. Yesterday I emailed the faculty advisor to the Graduate Program I've decided to pursue at Monmouth. I've told friends; I've told colleagues; and now I've told you. I'm on my way, and I won't turn back.
I don't imagine that it will be easy; I don't imagine that it will always be fun. But it's another of those things that I've always wanted to do. And now I'm on my way.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
My lunch with Marla
Friday, October 30, 2009
A(nother) Guest Blogger
I am preparing to leave; tonight we have a Black Tie wedding in North Jersey (another opportunity to wear my red dress!), then tomorrow morning we leave for Palm Beach. I spoke with Marla last night, and we are planning to see each other Monday night. I probably won't get photos up here while I'm on vacation, but I will post up to Facebook from my Blackberry.
Have a great week, and feel free to talk amongst yourselves!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Fran's Photos

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I'm getting closer to words....

Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
And for my next project....

The above was my favorite for a very long time. Cari really captured the essence of David. We modeled the photos on a Gap ad. Inside is a Haiku that I wrote.
This one fast became my all time favorite! It was our first time shooting in Cari's new studio. She and David spent about 15 minutes together. Cari does these as a favor to me, so we never have long elaborate sessions. We work with what she can get in the limited time we have together.
If anyone is interested in looking at Cari's work, or perhaps engaging her for your holiday shoot, check out her website at
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Marla checks in...
Marla is living in Florida and I plan to see her next week when we're in Palm Beach. Watch for pictures on my return.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
As I wait for my words to come...
We went to dinner Friday night (the Wolf's were not with us, but Al DiBiase did meet up with us) at Biaggio's, a local Italian restaurant. We caught up with each other, had fun, then went back to the hotel. The night was beautiful and we were able to sit outside at the Tiki Bar. We said our good nights about 11:30 or so. Fran and I were sharing a room, and stayed up til the wee hours chatting. It was like any of a number of sleepovers we shared in 8th grade!

The next morning we met for coffee in the lobby (there are pictures of that on Snapfish but I am exercising my editorial rights and not posting no-makeup photos on my blog!) then some of us went for a walk on the Long Branch boardwalk. Later, we met up for another walk to Pier Village, and had lunch at It's Greek to Me. After lunch we headed back to the hotel lobby, where we awaited the arrival of the Saturday gang. Fran and I invited everyone who was assembled in the lobby back to our room (612) for pre-reunion cocktails. Apparently, we had a group back to our room after the reunion for some post-reunion festivities. I have the pictures to prove I was there.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Give us this day our daily blogpost
Those of you who know me know that if I can write a novella around something I will; that I like to share my thoughts in images.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Too, um, tired to blog
Someone asked this morning if I could get everyone's photos into one place, so if you took pictures and you'd like to share them, and you know we'd like you to, please get them to me and I'll post them up as well.
I plan to email the Shutterfly account information out to everyone. I've noticed that I'm having emails bounced from a couple addresses that I'd been successful in sending to in the past. If you want access to the photos, please get me an email address that works.
Friday, October 9, 2009
After all the planning...
Looking forward to seeing those of you who are on your way now, tonight, and the rest of you tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
3 days...and counting
I believe the roster, as posted below, is now complete.
I have a lingering hope though....that maybe one or two people...will decide at the last minute that he really doesn't want to miss this event and just show up.
The Roster
Fran Cowan, Al DiBiase, Meryl Miller, Lonnie Horwitz, Marty Tarabar, Matthew Wolf, Ann Lubell, Mark Engel, Ellen Aronoff, Louie Baldwin, Gloria Birn, Lisa Wagner, Marion Schwartz, Jeff Komrower, Michael Ringler, Fred Teskin, Fern Ehrlich, Peter Biedermann, Michael Maenza, Bill Boub, Jack Ribiero, Eliot Fried, Chris Strohmenger, Larry Zarra, Paul Goldenberg, Tad Boub, George Seltzer, Natalie, Paul Pomerantz, Leslee Scheckman, Steven Kornfeld and me.
And here's who we've connected with, either by email or by phone, who've told us that they're coming, or that they'd like to attend: John Ficula.
Then there's the group of folks who we've spoken to, but who haven't yet responded, or who have yet to decide:
Michelle Bono, , Gina Geslewitz, Howard Jaffe, Marla Potsdam, Steve Schulz, Florine Korbman, and Debbie Addario.
Next are the people we are fairly certain we have accurate contact information on, but we haven't yet connected with personally. This group includes:
Janice Rozga and Naomi Tauber.
And here's who we have no contact information on, and who we're still looking for:
Carlotta Benevides, Darlene Brezin, *Peggy Davis, David Greenfield,*Doris Jones, Erika Kremlik, George Kris, Lewis Lee, Ruth McGinnes, John Morris, Peggy O'Keefe, and *Ira Weinstock.
I'm adding one last group...those folks who've decided against attending. This list includes:
Sherry Hurewitz, Joey Correia, Michael Austin, Ira Lager, Arlene Gudis and Shelley Rosenbloom.
If you can help us get in touch with any of the folks we're still looking for, or if you can convince any of the fence-sitters to join us on October 10th, please either direct them here, to this blog, or ask that they be in touch with me directly via email (
*getting closer to making a connection!
Another day, another Blob post...
Click here for the Born to Run video. You'll see Paul at about 1:35 in.
So I had an email from my dad this morning. He said that he and Elena loved my 'blob', but they wanted to make it clear that they did not meet at a Jewish Singles Site. wasn't a Jewish Singles Site, it was a Jewish Window of Introduction (huh?)and Elena was interested in meeting people who had knowledge of computers and a sense of humor. It was the first time on that 'window' for each of them. Got it? Not a Jewish Singles Site.
I talked to my brother earlier today. Some of you may remember Jack, although he didn't go to Union Avenue. He graduated from Florence Avenue and started high school the first year I was at Union Avenue. Anyway, as you'd expect, we were talking about dad, and during our conversation, I mentioned the reunion. He said to me, I know this is gonna be out there, but was Paul Pomerantz in the front row at Springsteen last week. As it happens, I had only, like 15 minutes earlier had an email from Pomerantz. There's that magic again. So, I emailed Paul back and asked him, and sure enough, it was him. do you spell magic? According to Paul, there's Youtube video out there (September 30, Born to Run) where you can actually see him.
Some follow up to Al DiBiase's photos: In the birthday party photo, next to Al, in the back. Could that be Steve Schulz? The saluting scout photo? The one I asked if perhaps it was Pomerantz next to Al? Here's Paul's reply to me: "Are you blind! That is definitely Ira on the right. It looks exactly like him." But I don't think so. Still. And we've already confirmed that the Boub in the picnic table photo is Bill.
Paul sent some photos, with instructions for me to get them up, pronto! So, ya go;

From the left, Fern, Peggy, Marla, Paul, me, Sherry
Steven Kornfeld, Paul and Mark Engel.
Any idea who the second baby is? Paul is in the carriage on the left. Look at the face of the other baby.... he looks just like he did in my dream.
Monday, October 5, 2009
More Reunion Magic
Now here's where the magic comes in. I'll let Steven fill everyone in on the details of his life for these past 40 years, but Steven doesn't live at the address that I've been sending mailings to, and doesn't have access to the phone number that I, Mark Engel, Fran Cowan, Louie Baldwin, Lonnie Horwitz...have been leaving messages on. It happens that he was there today and he collected the phone messages and all the mailings that have accumulated over the past six months.
The magic? Why today and not next Monday? It's not mine to question. I'm a firm believer that everything...all things...happen for a reason; nothing is left to chance. I'm just thrilled that Steven was there today and that he will be with us Saturday.
I have a few more photos from Al to post up; I'll get to them later this week.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
We found Ira Weinstock...

And check this one out. We're pretty certain that this is Howard Jaffe after a Pie Eating contest.
Not certain on everyone in this one, but definitely Michael Austin on the far right.

We think Michael Austin again, this time of the far left, and there's Al...fourth in from the left. Could that be Pomerantz next to Al?

Check this one out; third boy from the front on the left side. Definitely one of the Boubs. Is it Bill or Tad? And the boy all the way in the back, left side; could that be Jack Ribeiro?

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Odds and Ends
About Leslee Scheckman. I had an email from her last night. She said she's coming and that her check is in the mail. You know the drill; when I get the check, I'll make the roster change. And speaking of the roster, I do believe it's complete at 39 though Jon Ficula is still out there. I left him another voice mail earlier this week. I hope he comes; I had originally hoped for 40.
About Name Tags. No. I am not doing name tags. My basic philosophy on this event, as I've talked to most of you throughout the planning process, either by phone, email, text or IM, is that we're all pretty much the same person we were when we were in 8th grade. If you don't recognize someone, assume it's a spouse. Or come ask me who it is. I'll be the one with the curly hair and the fabulous shoes.
About how to dress. Several people have recently asked me about the results of the poll on how to dress. People were all over the place with that, so my advice is wear what you want. Fran and I have decided to dress. As in, Up. As in, we both have fabulous shoes. A few of the boys I've spoken to during the planning process have told me that they were wearing suits. Mostly, just be comfortable. We want to see you....not what you're wearing.
About breakfast on Sunday. There will be a group of tables reserved for the Union Avenue Reunion Sunday morning, beginning at 9:30 at OP. They have a brunch for $19/person. They also have an ala carte menu, or you can grab a cup of coffee in the lobby and bring it in. If you're staying, or even if you're not, please do stop in to say your goodbyes. It may be another 10 years before we see each other again.
About circulating a contact list after the event. I'm a bit squeamish about this. During the planning process I had a few slap downs from people who didn't want specific bits of information shared with either anyone or with specific people. I suggest strongly that if you meet up with someone at the reunion that you hope to keep in touch with that you make the necessary overtures to make it happen. Post event, I will do a final snail mail (to include the folks who won't be there) with a questionnaire regarding contact info. I won't make any assumptions about anything. If you want to be included, please be sure to get it back to me. My preference, if you haven't already figured it out is electronic, but I will make the information available on paper as well. I won't be collecting data the night of the reunion.
About Steven Kornfeld. No. I haven't heard from him. I'm holding out this hope that perhaps he'll just show up. More than anything, I'm hoping that he's well.
About my Dad. He read my blog.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My Dad and Elena

Daddy, I love you. Such simple words, but words I have such a hard time saying directly to him. Maybe I can direct him he can know it as the basic truth it is.
My dad met Elena after a failed marriage which he entered into, way too soon after my mother died. Some men are like that...they just can't be alone. As his second marriage was failing, my dad found the computer, and shortly after that, he found the internet. He met Elena, the second love of his life on some Jewish Singles Dating site. They have been together nearly as long as Mike and I. Elena is the only grandmother David has ever known. My mother died so many years ago I can no longer count them on two hands, though I still think of her every day, and Mike's mother died just as we'd made the decision to pursue an international adoption. Elena and Dad mean the world to David.
Elena has been valiantly fighting advancing MS for as long as we've known her. Even as her strength weakened, she was climbing mountains, going on cruises, keeping up with her very active grandchildren, and grandmothering David. Elena is facing one now that nothing can help her through. When we saw her on Yom Kippur, she looked beautiful, she looked radiant, and she looked vacant. What's happening now, to Dad and Elena is just heartbreaking. He is a man totally in love with a woman who he is losing slowly, right in front of his eyes.
I get a phone call every week or so from Elena's daughter, telling me of yet another infraction my dad has committed. He is who he is. At 86, I am not going to change him, nor do I want to. In my eye, his only sin is loving her too much.
This is my tribute to my Dad.
Daddy. I love you.
Monday, September 28, 2009
BB Update

So, Saturday night, I was fooling around with my BB, when all of a sudden, pffft....nothing. I waited what I considered to be a reasonable amount of time for it to come back up, and when still nothing happened, I frantically started pressing buttons.
Eventually, I was able to reconnect with my BB, but I seem to have caused some serious damage by not being patient, and pushing all the wrong buttons. I'm hoping that in a day or so, it sets itself right. I really don't want another one, or a different one. I kinda like the one I had...despite it's bumps and bruises.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
2 Weeks....and counting!
A few newsworthy items from the past week:
If you were planning to stay at Ocean Place, and haven't made your reservation yet, I'm sorry to say that IF you can get a room, you'll be paying full price. The hotel is near capacity. As I said in a much earlier post, apparently October is the new June for weddings at the Jersey Shore, and there are 3 at OP the weekend of the reunion.
I heard from Joey this week. Sad to say he's not going to be able to attend. He sends everyone his best wishes, and asks that we send pictures. Other than Leslee, I'm pretty certain that the roster posted is the final roster. I expect to hear from Leslee early this coming week.
Since so many people have asked me about photographs, I've arranged for someone to come to the event to take photos. She'll use my camera and wander the room taking pictures, then sometime soon after the event I'll post the photos up to a shared spot where anyone who wants can view them, download them, print them.
And still no word from Steven.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Busy Reunion Week
If anyone else has any pictures that they'd like to share, send them to me, and I'll post them up. Or better yet, bring them to the reunion.

I also had an email from Shelley Rosenbloom. She isn't going to be able to make the reunion. She expressed her disappointment, and asked that I extend her best regards to everyone. Shelley lives in Minnesota, and I'd hoped to see her this summer at a conference I was considering attending. I didn't go, and regret the missed opportunity.
I got Paul Pomerantz's check, so he's definitely in. I never had any doubts about him; he'd told me very early on that he was planning to attend.
I was pleasantly surprised one day this week to come home to find a check from Natalie. I'm making the appropriate roster change to move her back up to 'Attending'.
I anticipate confirming Joey this week, so by my count, that still leaves Leslee and John Ficula unaccounted for.
Except, of course, for Steven Kornfeld.