If anyone else has any pictures that they'd like to share, send them to me, and I'll post them up. Or better yet, bring them to the reunion.

I also had an email from Shelley Rosenbloom. She isn't going to be able to make the reunion. She expressed her disappointment, and asked that I extend her best regards to everyone. Shelley lives in Minnesota, and I'd hoped to see her this summer at a conference I was considering attending. I didn't go, and regret the missed opportunity.
I got Paul Pomerantz's check, so he's definitely in. I never had any doubts about him; he'd told me very early on that he was planning to attend.
I was pleasantly surprised one day this week to come home to find a check from Natalie. I'm making the appropriate roster change to move her back up to 'Attending'.
I anticipate confirming Joey this week, so by my count, that still leaves Leslee and John Ficula unaccounted for.
Except, of course, for Steven Kornfeld.
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