Thursday, October 15, 2009

Give us this day our daily blogpost

NOTE: I fixed the broken Snapfish link.

Those of you who know me know that if I can write a novella around something I will; that I like to share my thoughts in images.

My thoughts, my feelings, my emotions about the reunion.... I'm still wrestling with them. I haven't found my words yet. They'll come, and when they do, I'll share them..for those of you who were there, and for those of you who weren't.

I will say this for now; although the reunion wasn't the one I'd anticipated, I had a wonderful time and collected great memories.

Mark sent me a few photos. I'll post a couple here, and put the rest up on SnapFish. Remember to continue to hit up Snapfish. As people send me their stuff, I've been adding to the album!
The view from the hotel. It was a spectacular fall day at the Jersey Shore.

Marion Schwartz and Lisa Wagner...looking great the day after

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