Thursday, October 1, 2009

Odds and Ends

Answers to some questions people are asking:

About Leslee Scheckman. I had an email from her last night. She said she's coming and that her check is in the mail. You know the drill; when I get the check, I'll make the roster change. And speaking of the roster, I do believe it's complete at 39 though Jon Ficula is still out there. I left him another voice mail earlier this week. I hope he comes; I had originally hoped for 40.

About Name Tags. No. I am not doing name tags. My basic philosophy on this event, as I've talked to most of you throughout the planning process, either by phone, email, text or IM, is that we're all pretty much the same person we were when we were in 8th grade. If you don't recognize someone, assume it's a spouse. Or come ask me who it is. I'll be the one with the curly hair and the fabulous shoes.

About how to dress. Several people have recently asked me about the results of the poll on how to dress. People were all over the place with that, so my advice is wear what you want. Fran and I have decided to dress. As in, Up. As in, we both have fabulous shoes. A few of the boys I've spoken to during the planning process have told me that they were wearing suits. Mostly, just be comfortable. We want to see you....not what you're wearing.

About breakfast on Sunday. There will be a group of tables reserved for the Union Avenue Reunion Sunday morning, beginning at 9:30 at OP. They have a brunch for $19/person. They also have an ala carte menu, or you can grab a cup of coffee in the lobby and bring it in. If you're staying, or even if you're not, please do stop in to say your goodbyes. It may be another 10 years before we see each other again.

About circulating a contact list after the event. I'm a bit squeamish about this. During the planning process I had a few slap downs from people who didn't want specific bits of information shared with either anyone or with specific people. I suggest strongly that if you meet up with someone at the reunion that you hope to keep in touch with that you make the necessary overtures to make it happen. Post event, I will do a final snail mail (to include the folks who won't be there) with a questionnaire regarding contact info. I won't make any assumptions about anything. If you want to be included, please be sure to get it back to me. My preference, if you haven't already figured it out is electronic, but I will make the information available on paper as well. I won't be collecting data the night of the reunion.

About Steven Kornfeld. No. I haven't heard from him. I'm holding out this hope that perhaps he'll just show up. More than anything, I'm hoping that he's well.

About my Dad. He read my blog.

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