Friday, June 19, 2009

Reunion News, Week ending 6/19

Check the roster below; I was able to make a few more moves. Jeff Komrower, Lisa Wagner, Marion Schwartz and the oh-so-alive Louie Baldwin sent their checks, so I've moved them to the definite column. I'd remind Louie to book his room, but I know he doesn't read my blog, so I'll have to call him tomorrow night. Twist my arm.

I moved Bill Boub (more about him to come) into the plans to attend group, but I haven't gotten his check yet. He did say he planned to stay at least Saturday night, which made me think that perhaps he's considering staying Friday night as well. Sadly, I had to move his brother Tad into the definitely not coming group. Tad lives in California. Perhaps if we offer a prize for the longest distance travelled to attend? Since Tad dropped out of the running we can still hope for Larry Zarra and Joey Correia..both travelling from Texas. Haven't heard definitely from Larry yet, and haven't heard from Joey at all, despite my pathetic appeals.

I may soon be moving Debbie Addario up a category. I was talking to my cousin, Nancy Goldstein (older sister of Randy in case any of you remember him from Irvington High) who was friends with Debbie's older sister Nancy. Nancy G is quite certain that Debbie is living in St Augustine and is working on getting us contact info!

As I said, I communicated with Bill Boub this week via email. He sent me this recent picture of himself, and gave me permission to post it. He also sent photos of his beautiful daughters, who he referred to as "the pleasures of his life". Bill lives in Northwestern Jersey. He's had a very interesting life since Union Avenue, and although I've enjoyed our emailing, I'm really looking forward to seeing him in October, and catching up.
Thats it for now....Fran's calling!

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