Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another day, another contact!

That is my favorite part about organizing this reunion; never knowing quite what the day is going to bring. Today my day brought Marion Schwartz! The phone rang during dinner, and since this was one of those rare nights that Mike was home and we were enjoying a family dinner while David regaled us with stories of his day at Pine Grove, I let it go to voice. I'll admit to getting itchy when I heard my Blackberry vibrating. I believe I've already confessed to my relationship with IT. So anyway, as soon as dinner was over (David blew off Photography for a chance to play Gaga!) I checked the caller ID and saw that Marion had called.

Some day, when this event is over, I will need to find a way to thank my husband for his patience and indulgence during this reunion process. I left dishes in the sink and settled in for a long chat with Marion.

Marion moved away from Union Avenue on the day we graduated. That was the last time I spoke to her, but tonight, in that magical way that seems to be happening again and again as we make these connections and reconnections, the years just melted away, and all we needed was Gloria Birn and I'd have been back on Bedford Terrace!

Marion is still living in New Jersey. She told me she has 4 kids, and is a grandmother. She's really looking forward to the reunion, and reconnecting with old classmates!

Oh, and when I got off the phone, the dishes were done and the kitchen was straightened. Hmmm....now how can I thank him????

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