Friday, June 26, 2009

Peter Biedermann

I think it was Bill Boub who'd asked if we'd found Peter Biedermann. So earlier this evening, after a totally disappointing episode of Real Housewives (what on earth did Danielle do to bring Caroline to her knees? Any ideas, anyone?) I was fooling around at my computer, when I had that Researcher's AHA moment. Google him, I thought. And, voila! There he was.

I cautiously emailed, with a subject line of "Are you the Peter Biedermann from Irvington" and a few hours later I received a reply. Here's a portion of it:

...Thank you for the invite, however, I'll have to pass. Nostalgia
has never been my thing. Please tell everyone I'm alive and
well and very happy and productive.

Host of the "Sound In The Head" internet radio show
Wednesday's 9:00 p.m. - midnight (EST)

So, consider yourself told. He posts his contact information on his website, so if you're interested in being in touch with him, check it out. I'll add him to the spreadsheet I've been maintaining. Who knows? Maybe he'll come to the 50th. I'm also putting him into the Definitely No section of the roster and moving Michael Ringler up to the Deinitely Coming.

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