Monday, May 4, 2009

So what exactly is a blog, anyway?

Basically, a blog is an on line journal. A diary of sorts. People blog about all kinds of things. People who blog are called bloggers. I have become a blogger. And I'm enjoying blogging so much that I just may start another blog that has absolutely nothing to do with this Union Avenue 40 Year Reunion. In my other spare time.

So, now that you know what a blog is, I'm thinking that some of you might not know exactly what to do with it. Apologies to those of my more technical know who you me, you're the ones with your iPhones and Blackberrys up your a$$e$. Frankly, as with my American Express Card, I cannot leave home without my phone. Its an addiction. I know. I used to smoke. Now I text.

So, depending upon what reader you use to get your email (and a step out....can you believe that we have friends and classmates who ADMIT to not having email????) will depend upon how you go about getting my updates delivered directly to your inbox. I use Outlook, Entourage, AOL and gmail....ugh...I am an addict! and each of them is, as my husband (Michael...have I mentioned him before?) would say, exactly the same but different. What you're looking for is instructions for subscribing to an RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feed. If you need help, let me know and I'll be glad to research for you. Researching technological stuff is a large part of my job at Monmouth University.

You can also stay current with this blog by hitting up the website.... I like getting to it that way, because then you can see the photos I post, if and when I do. (And check it out when you're done with this entry, because I'm posting up an update for a check I got today, with a photo!) Once you're there you can elect to follow me. Currently, I have one follower, and she's not even a Union Avenue classmate. So please....add to my numbers, and follow me.

You can, and should comment on my posts. I'm reluctant to post up any of your contact information; it is after all a public forum, but feel free to use this blog to search each other out, or to share your own information, or to ask questions, or to pay homage to the Class Of 69 in any other way you might feel appropriate.

And by all means, if you haven't made your commitment to the reunion yet, please do today!

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