Monday, January 18, 2010

I know.  You're waiting for an update on my grad school status.  I did exactly as I said I would.  I met with Dr. V, who on the Monmouth website is shown as the faculty adviser to the program that I plan to pursue, the Masters of Arts in Liberal Arts.  The website is outdated.  Rich is no longer the adviser to the program, however, he is going to be my faculty adviser.  I couldn't be happier.

With Rich's advice, I've decided to pursue the Professional Studies track, with a concentration in English and Communications.  Unfortunately, I made my decision too late to start classes for Spring, 2010, and frankly, if you follow me, you know that I am all about summers on the beach, so I'm not starting until Fall, 2010.  I'm  working on the grad school application and I still have to write an esssay explaining why I want to go to grad school.  

I plan to use my blog as part, if not all, of my final master's project.  So, keep watching.  I'll be writing.

Hey...if you're following me, why not come out and comment? Or at least let me know who's out there?  Sometimes blogging feels much like're talking, but you wonder if anyone is listening.

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