Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Am I Out of my Mind?

Yesterday was one of those days.  I didn't sleep the night before.  I was busy at work.  It was the first day of the spring semester at Monmouth, my third spring.  I'd spent the better part of the long holiday weekend helping David with a project for his Excel (that's what we call the Gifted and Talented program in his school) class.  I got home expecting to have a quiet night, and found that several of the playing cards for the Galietti project needed to be redone, I had PTA stuff that had to get collated for delivery to school the next day, I had to make solicitation phone calls for another PTA project I'm chairing (how could I say No to the chair of the Reading Adventure Committee?, ..and when will I learn to keep my hand down when they ask for volunteers?), David's teacher Facebooked me asking for a favor that involved creating a note to be sent home to 24 parents, and on top of that I had to check regular homework.  Oh, and dinner and clean up. 

I had a major panic episode. 

How, I wonder, will I fit graduate classes in?  Am I being selfish?  Is being a wife and mother enough? 

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