David took his first step towards this milestone during this snowstorm.
With Mike stuck at work, David took his role as 'man of the house' very seriously, and kept our driveway clear. We didn't expect him to get home until tomorrow (that would be Friday, February 12) morning, but he called at 7 am to say he was on his way. Although we'd shovelled twice yesterday, we had another 6 inches or so of very heavy snow accumulated. I knew that we would have to clear the driveway one more time so Mike would have a place to put his car after his 60 hour shift!
I started on my own, thinking that I'd let David sleep. But this 54 year old body just wasn't up to the challenge, so I came in and woke David. He got up, got dressed, grabbed a shovel, and finished the job. And he did it without question or complaint.
Today, I am a proud mommy.
Oh, and he still had time for some plain old kid fun.
Nice, Ruth!