Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Wishing you a very happy and healthy new year!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

No, it ISN'T enough....

Years ago, nearly 30 or so, on the eve of a new year, my friend Dawn and I resolved to quit smoking.  I had been a very heavy smoker at the time; I was smoking three packs a day.  But those were different days.  We smoked EVERYWHERE, so probably 1/2 of the cigarettes I smoked actually burned out in a ashtray on my desk at work. 

I had been thinking about quitting for a long time.  I was living in a second floor apartment in Rockaway, with Jack.  I remember being winded at the top of the stairs, everytime.  And I was in my 20's and basically fit. And Jack and I had decided that we were going to move on; find our own places, so money was on my mind as well. 

I didn't know it at the time, but I used some tried and true methods to assist me with quitting.  I picked a date to quit; I thought about it every day; I told friends that I was going to quit.  I told my employer I was going to quit.  And I made a bet with Cindy Kirkland...she said I couldn't do it. 

I tell you this, because I've been mulling something for quite some time, and I've made those first steps towards it.  Yesterday I emailed the faculty advisor to the Graduate Program I've decided to pursue at Monmouth.  I've told friends; I've told colleagues; and now I've told you.  I'm on my way, and I won't turn back.

I don't imagine that it will be easy; I don't imagine that it will always be fun.  But it's another of those things that I've always wanted to do.  And now I'm on my way.